Photographische Beweise
Analog Disk Mastering: Neumann/Flokason/Magnetovolt Disk Mastering System
Analog Disk Mastering: Fairchild/Magnetovolt Disk Cutting System
Antique Monophonic Disk Mastering Setup
Making hand made vinyl records with an original 1930's monophonic cutterhead made by RCA, cut directly onto vinyl. The creativity continuous with hand painted cover and the result is a fully analog product, even down to the packaging.
Tape Editing
Our tape editing suite. Whenever we need to edit recordings or to sequence the songs differently on an album, we still do it the old fashioned way, physically cutting the tape with a razor blade and sticking a different piece of tape on with sticky tape. This is the original definition of "cut and paste".Our Analog Modular Synthesizer "Bob"
Naxatras Recording Session 2015
The Bevels Recording Session 2015
Breakfast with Black Trinity - Recording Session 2015
Naxatras Recording Session December 2015 and January 2016
The Basements Recording 2016
Beyond The Blackout Recording Session2016
Magnetic Fidelity Sceneries
The assistant engineers with big ears.
The beautiful countryside around Magnetic Fidelity.
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